Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Control Room

A really interesting movie. Essentially sets out to demonstrate that Al Jazeera isn't at all what the powers that be in the West would have you believe it is, and in that, it generally succeeds. The reporters, anchors and staff appear to be at least as committed to balanced news coverage than, oh, say, Fox News -- and a lot more secular than you might have thought. Although the perspective shown is certainly pan-Arab, it's far from radical.

Along the way, you watch the evolution of a U.S. Marine Lieutenant, a press officer, as he too comes to the realization that maybe there are two sides to every story, and to every war. You get to see how both the Western press and Al Jazeera's staff openly take sides in the conflict, even swallowing the propaganda they're each supposed to be questioning.

Is it an honest portrayal of Al Jazeera? I have no idea. Do I trust it more than I do Donald Rumsfeld? You bet.

Well worth the rental.