Renaissance Redux
We took Emma back to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival this year. We brought her pal Meghan too.Nothing says "renaissance" like bungee jumping!

Unless it's elephants and camels:

Or a tortoise in drag:

This year, Emma took on her old man at swordfighting. I figured this'd be easy.

Here you see I've got her down to one balloon. And I'm doing it with one hand behind my back!

Damn it, she caught up. It could've had something to do with the dude who kept grabbing my sword arm and shouting to Emma to go for my head; I don't know.

Oh, well. I'll try again next year.

Emma and Meghan really enjoyed a Scottish dance troupe.

No trip to the Faire would be complete without a dove on your head.

And finally, last year I told you about the magical faerie we met. We met her this year too. She's lost none of her charm. She's so enchanting, in fact, that every time we see her I forget I have a camera -- so I had to steal an image of her off the web. Her name is Twig, and she's everything a faerie should be (and then some).

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