Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Night I Say "Knee"

Clearly I need an editor for my blog entry titles.

Yesterday I saw my physical therapist for the first time. She examined the knee and leg quite thoroughly and diagnosed a lateral meniscus tear. This is the same diagnosis my doctor made, which could be good or bad -- 'good' as in the diagnosis is confirmed, or 'bad' as in she simply read it off my chart.

Like my doctor, she recommended attempting physical therapy before considering surgery. This too, could be good or bad -- 'good' as in I'd really rather avoid surgery, 'bad' as in she's a friggin' physical therapist, so of course she's going to recommend physical therapy. If you ask an orthopedic surgeon, he or she will tell you that arthroscopic surgery's the only treatment for a meniscal tear. So I don't know. I'm going to do my exercises like a good boy and hope for a placebo effect if nothing else, but I worry I'm just delaying the inevitable -- and I really didn't want to miss another season of cycling.