Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bored Blogging

Mostly I'm blogging right now for lack of anything better to do.

I'm wiped out. I never got sick sick the way Kristi did, but I seem to have a low-grade something-or-other that is just draining the gas out of the tank. Yesterday I came home from work and kind of dozed all evening. Today I came home a little early and, while I haven't slept at all, I also haven't done much else either. I'm too tired to read much, too tired to code much, too tired to do much of anything much.

Kristi's much better now, and planning to go back to work tomorrow. After that she'll have a four-day weekend to ride out the inevitable relapse from overdoing it.

Mom called today to tell me that Justice William Stone, retired, formerly of California's Fifth District Court of Appeal, passed away on Saturday. I think I can honestly say -- and forgive me, please, Justice T -- that Bill Stone was my favorite justice during my later years at the court. Yeah, even though he was a Giants fan; in his case, I can excuse that one little flaw. He had a wonderful sense of humor, and a warm heart.