Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Still Alive

Well, the whole blogging thing has kind of gotten away from me for a bit. Work has been very busy, and I've been too busy sweating puddles and debugging CDFFL to get around here much.

I have to talk about CDFFL for a minute, mostly because it bugs Scooter so much. The testing cycle went very well; a bunch of mistakes were caught, and a number of really interesting suggestions made. Thanks again to those who participated. I'll still have a lot of work to do before football season kicks off, at which time I'm thinking we'll have a really cool site to play with. If you're reading this, you're invited to participate; watch this space for info.

One of my new favorite blogs is Dependable Renegade. Watertiger is razor-sharp and very funny, but sadly not very quotable -- her best stuff is done in the form of re-captioning of news photos. (Yes, I know that came out of left field; I'm out of practice at nonessential things like smooth transitions and noun-verb agreement.)

Another non sequitur: a shout-out to Maggie for being such a pal. I've been so wrapped up in my own (trivial) problems, and so cut off from my friends in chat, that I completely missed the fact that she's got real crap to deal with -- and she's spending her time helping me out. I feel like a shitheel, but a very lucky one to have such friends.