Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

If you're a dad, or even if you only think you might be a dad but the DNA testing hasn't come back yet, happy Father's Day.

Emma took me to breakfast as promised -- though Kristi had to raid my wallet last night to secure enough cash for Emma to pay for me, so I'm not sure I didn't actually take myself to breakfast. Oh well. Later we took a 10-mile bike ride to Minnihaha Falls and back with Bob, Sarah, Luke and Grace across the street. Emma actually completed that ride with only one or two minor meltdowns. The major meltdown, she considerately saved for back in the privacy of our own home. She was overheated and exhausted, so I suppose it was excusable.

Now we're off to dinner to celebrate Dad's Day and Kristi's birthday, which also was today. Later!