Saturday, October 21, 2006

More People I Hate

Cars generally line up at the curb on the side street where I park to pick Emma up from her after-school French program. Except this one gold Honda minivan, which passes up all of the parked cars and pulls up at the red curb. Blocking the crosswalk. The crosswalk that kids will be using (or rather, not using) momentarily when the after-school programs let out.

This woman does this pretty much every day. And then, on many days, she gets out of her minivan and runs up the steps (two steps at a time) to attempt to get in the doors (which are locked, but often there's someone there to let parents in).

Let me stress: two steps at a time. Did I mention the handicapped placard hanging from this woman's rear-view mirror?

I am tempted to mention the "Bush/Cheney '04" bumper sticker, but why pile on?
