Saturday, October 07, 2006

Week 1

Well, you know, I'm really not supposed to blog about work. So I won't. If you have questions, ask me.

In non-work-related life, Kristi's mom left Wednesday night, and we were all sad to see her go. Hopefully she and John will come back for the holidays. "Capote" is sitting in the NetFlix envelope, awaiting our attention. Kristi's schedule has been rough -- worked Mon-Wed evening, working the weekend day shifts, then working the Mon-Wed evening shifts again -- plus giving a granulocyte donation herself Monday morning. She's going to be wiped out. And then Friday we tool over to Wisconsin Dells to pick up my mom (she's taking the train from Chicago, where she'll be visiting her brother), take mom to visit Taliesin, then shoot back home to spend a relaxing, um, one day before we put her back on a plane to California.

In other words, we're busy, tired (but generally happy) people. Hence the blogging deficiency.