Monday, September 06, 2004


I've been avoiding allergy blogging, because hbomb wants everybody to SFTU about it. But hey, you only live once; pissing off Heather has to be less risky than, say, crossing the street against the light when there's a huge 18-wheeler bearing down on you, and its brakes have failed and the driver is jumping out the passenger door and it's pulling a trailer packed absolutely full to the brim with improperly packed oxygen canisters, leaky cans of jet fuel, and defective safety matches. Oh, and with your shoe untied. Right?

Anyway, arsi and I were just comparing notes in chat. We both have been taking Allegra, and we've both been experiencing an extreme case of the blahs. It's like drug-induced depression. And the really bad thing -- for me, anyway -- is that it doesn't completely kill the worst symptom, which is itchy eyes. So I'm depressed, listless, unable to generate enthusiasm for anything at all, and I'm constantly fighting an irresistable urge to rub my eyes until they bleed.

Today I gave up. I've ditched Allegra and switched to Bromfed. Bromfed seems to control the symptoms marginally better, but makes me really sleepy -- which means I can take it at night, but not in the morning. I'll have to suffer all day, but that's in an air-conditioned office. I'm hoping this means I'll be able to concentrate at work, which has been a real problem with Allegra.

Some would say inability to concentrate was a problem before Allegra; to them I say "go away."