It's probably a race now to see whether Scooter or I can blog the St. Paul Classic quickest. I bet I win.Scooter arrived at my house first:

Followed by Christy and Sandy:

And finally Ming:

We met Erik at St. Thomas:

A very few images from the ride ...
Ming and Scooter, moving almost faster than the lens can capture:

Climbing the hill out of downtown St. Paul towards Mounds View; notice the bike helmet with Vikings horns. What's taking the rest of the group so long?

The Mounds View rest stop -- roughly the halfway point:

The Como Lake Pavilion rest stop -- 75% done! (Complete with genuine lens flare!)

Done! 30+ miles and one outstanding breakfast later:

Kristi volunteered on the registration/t-shirt desk this year. Next year, damn it, her knee had better be working.
Note: no squirrels were killed in the making of the St. Paul Classic. However, several older squirrel carcasses were ridden over, as was one rather disgusting dead snake.
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