Like last year, Emma's off to California to spend time with the family she doesn't get to see too much of. (She's still coughing a little, but otherwise seems fully recovered from her viral thingie.) So Kristi and I got to spend our Saturday having fun!That assumes your definition of "fun" includes painting doors and trim, cleaning house, and shopping at Ikea, Home Depot and Super Target.
Okay, the shopping was kind of fun; we got some cool fun-shaped ice trays at Ikea, along with a ginormous pancake spatula and some other odds/ends. Home Depot, unfortunately, only provided us with raw materials for other projects (paint for the hall, polyurethane for the new maple stair treads, etc.).
The main reason for the Ikea and Super Target visits was to find new storage solutions for Emma's bedroom. We didn't buy anything, but we're currently leaning toward this Expedit unit from Ikea, which will handle books, baskets and assorted crap; flexibility is a good thing. Though I'm sure it looks much better like this, without much in it, than it will once Emma is through with it:

Today, more work, of course. Because what the hell is a weekend without lots of work? But I'm hoping we'll also get over to the GTI cheap theatre to see "King Kong" on the big screen; I'd hate to have to watch that on our little TV or the computer.
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