Kevin has invented a new meta-meme. And tagged me. Sigh.
1. Memes have been called "crack for bloggers" - why do you agree with this statement?
Because I always agree with whatever Kevin says. And because, like crack, memes aren't nearly as popular as they used to be.
Incidentally, "meme" was Beaker's only line on The Muppet Show.
2. Which is more gay - writing a meme or answering a meme?
Jim Henson would beat you up, if he weren't seriously dead.
3. In what way is this the best meme you have ever answered?
It is clearly the best in the sense that responding to it requires no serious thinking whatsoever. Yay!
4. Scooter said he never made out in a movie theater, while Mean Mr. Mustard is a fan of Sam Shepard. Which one of them is the biggest loser?
Scooter. Duh!
5. I've only been tagged once to do a meme. Does this mean I'm very lucky, have no friends, or both?
I'd say you're very lucky, but that's only because I know your wife.
6. If you were stuck on a deserted island, which three memes would you want to have with you?
This meme is silly.
7. Why is question number 7 always the best question in a meme?
That's a popular misconception. The position of the best question varies depending on the overall length of the meme. In the case of an 11-question meme, the best question is usually number 13 or 14.
8. If you could answer a meme about any topic, which topic would it be?
Homosexual giraffes.
9. Which would you rather answer - a meme about homosexual giraffes or one about dryer lint?
Okay, now that is a scary coincidence.
10. Does your answer to question number 9 mean that you are A) a homophobe, or B) a lintphobe?
You're clearly not reading my answers.
11. How happy are you that this meme is done now?

I won't tag anyone else, because, yeah, silly.
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