Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why Nothing Gets Done

I think it's mainly a combination of job stress and fatigue from the combination of Emma's sick week, the Week of Hell at work as I tried to catch up from Emma's sick week, and feeling slightly sick myself. Whatever it is, by the time I get home I generally lack the mental capacity for handling woodworking tools.

Today I had a physical therapy appointment at 2:00; I was home by 3:00, and out to the garage. I worked out there for a couple of hours, and accomplished nothing to speak of -- with the added benefit of nearly taking off a finger on the router table. At that point I hung it up for the evening and came inside to eat leftovers and have a glass of wine.

I could, and should, be painting a door or two upstairs. I don't even have the energy for that. Fortunately, vegging at the computer doesn't take much concentration, and rarely has anyone lost a finger doing it.